Tuesday, 28 May 2019


Loosing weight is the big accomplishment for a person. Every person want to look slim and fit but the thing is the person need to know the right way to loose extra kgs.

  • People use various means, exercises, diets to loose weight but they don't know what is the real way  to make their efforts worth it. Most of the diets plans end up in eating unhealthy and calorious food. But the right way to loose weight also include focusing on the body part which is problematic than other body parts. 

Exercising refers to working out with the body in different ways which include running, squatting,performing planks, stretching, lunges, dancing, skipping rope, yoga etcetera.

Running is proved to be the best exercises to boost your metabolism and which help you to shed extra kilos.
Running focus on lower LIMBS and help your limbs to get into shape.
 It build up the muscular strength of the legs.
Running for half an hour a day is beneficial to loose the fat cells in the legs

Cycling is the best exercise to loose lower limb fat.
Further it tone up the thigh and shins muscles.
It increases the strength of the body.
Cycling for an hour a day burns 300-400 kcal fat.
Making cycling a daily regime is highly beneficial.
Cycling in the gym and in the outdoor both are beneficial.

Thigh fat is most difficult to loose and a the most problematic area among women.
To loose thigh fat following exercise are beneficial.

Squats are of different types-

Squatting refers to sitting in half legs bend position without any support.
They highly focus on the inner and outer thigh parts. Squats make the cellulite and gluten to get converted into muscles by highly breaking down the fat cells and making the thighs get toned.

Start with few reps of squats and keep on increasing the repetitions.
Increase your squats count weekly
Go for about 3-4 reps in the beginning and keep on increasing the repetitions.


Lunges are considered as the muscle strengthening exercise. The body parts mostly effected by lunges are the thighs. They keep the muscles stretched and help in tonning the internal part of the thighs.

Perform 4-5 reps a time to tone up the muscles and to get rid of excrssive fat.


People mostly found it difficult to loose lower abdominal fat and complains of not being able to fit into their older jeans.
Stomach fat mostly get accumulated because of fad eating habits and end up in bulky lower abdominal part.

The easiest way to loose the abdominal fat is by doing some exercises which focus on this area:


THE perfect posture of uttanasana highly stretches abdominal muscles 

Stretches the lower abdominal muscles and spine. Also used to straighten the posture.
The yogasana which stretches the spine and contracts the abdominal muscles therfore its very much helpful to reduce the stomach fat and cure the spinal injuries. 

Sarvangasana focus on cervical area and lower abdomen, its stretches the cervical and abdominal muscles and make them flexible

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Loosing weight is the big accomplishment for a person. Every person want to look slim and fit but the thing is the person need to know the ...